About Zero-Copy Accounts on Solana

Solana is a popular blockchain platform that supports zero-fee accounts, also known as #[account(zero copy)] or #[account(zero copy(unsafe))] variants. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these two types of accounts and when to use each.

#[account(zero copy)] (secure)

The most common variant of zero-copy accounts is #[account(zero copy)]. This type ensures that all changes made within the account are reflected across all chains using a secure and immutable block. The #[account(zero copy(unsafe))] variant is similar but uses an insecure approach.

#[account(zero copy(unsafe))

Solana: whats the difference between #[account(zero copy)] and #[account(zero copy(unsafe)]?

The less common variant of zero-copy accounts is #[account(zero copy(unsafe))]. This type allows changes to be made within the account without any safety checks, which can cause errors if not handled correctly. However, this variant should only be used with caution and in specific scenarios.


The main difference between these two variants is their behavior:

  • #[account(zero copy)] (safe): All changes made within the account are reflected across all chains via a safe and immutable block.
  • #[account(zero copy(unsafe))]: Changes are allowed within the account without any safety checks. This variant should only be used with caution and in specific scenarios.

When to use each

Use #[account(zero copy)] when:

  • You need to ensure that your data is safely reflected across all chains.
  • You are writing Rust code and want to take advantage of the safety features of the Rust language.
  • You are working on a project with multiple chains and need to ensure thread safety.

Use #[account(zero copy(unsafe))] when:

  • Your data does not need to be reflected safely across all chains (for example, if you are only writing data to your own chain).
  • You want to leverage the unsafe keyword for specific tasks, such as creating a lock on the account.

Can I write unsafe code in Rust?

Yes, it is possible to write unsafe code directly in Rust. However, using zero-copy accounts is generally safer than writing raw code. Additionally, you can use libraries like solana-program and Anchor to work with zero-copy accounts safely.


In conclusion, when working on a project that uses Solana, it is essential to understand the differences between zero-copy accounts. Use #[account(zero copy)] for safe, immutable locks and #[account(zero copy(unsafe))] for specific scenarios where you need to make changes within the account without any safety checks.

Sample Code

Here is an example of how to use a zero-cost account in Rust:


use solana_program::{

account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},




use anchor_lang::{account_info, entrypoint};

// Define a function to deposit money into the account

fn deposit(account_id: &AccountInfo<'_>, amount: u64) -> ProgramResult {

// Get the current account balance

let mute balance = next_account_info(account_id)?;

// Deposit the specified amount

balance.amount += amount;

// Save the updated balance to the account

NextAccountInfo::set(account_id, &balance)?;

PrintError!(“Successful deposit”);



// Define a zero-cost account

#[account(zero copy(unsafe))]

struct ZeroCopyAccount {

deposit: u64,


impl AnchorProgram for ZeroCopyAccount {

type SystemProgramInfo = AccountInfo<'_>;

type ProgramId = ProgramId;

type ProgramError = PrintError;

new fn() -> Self::ProgramId {

// Create a new program ID



fn call(&self, amount: u64) -> ProgramResult {


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